Monday, 19 May 2014

Soldiering on

Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals. (Henry Ford)

I’ve not been finding the training easy. The weather is warmer and drier, the sun is shining more but there always seems to be a headwind whichever direction I’m going. There have been days when I’ve struggled to get myself out of the door, others where nothing seemed to go right and a few when both of those applied.

I forced myself out a few weeks ago, the aim being simply to get on the bike, and set off to do hill repetitions over a motorway bridge. I was nervous, white-knuckled, breathless and my legs were screaming in agony After a couple of miles my brain was free-wheeling as well as the bike and I’d given myself the name of Chattering Chimp Brain. This sort of thing used to happen frequently when I was training for or running marathons: a succession of random thoughts which often started to lead a life of their own. 

I am also aware that some muscles aren't working as well as they should: quads and hamstrings overworking while the glutes are being lazy. This can put undue strain on the knees and lower back and I’m wary of getting injured. I asked Kim Ingleby of Energised Performance how best to strengthen the glutes and was told to think of them when pedalling. That didn’t sound too difficult so on my next ride I decided to concentrate on getting faster on the flat and stronger on the hills. Edge back on the saddle, make sure it’s the right gear, push harder………… Left glute, right glute, left glute, right glute, left glute, right glute……… Three gluteal muscles on each side……. Gluteus Maximus is the greatest and strongest but cannot win alone. He needs help from the others. “Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, come to my aid. We advance more swiftly but the road is long and we must not fail.  We will win the fight together! Battle on, mighty ones, we are making progress but the end is not yet in sight. We struggle but will not give in. Divide and conquer! Gluteus Medius Dexter, take the right flank. Gluteus Medius Sinister, you the left. Call Glutei Minimi and their battalions! We cannot fail!”

Downhill. Thank goodness! The bike freewheeled and the brain stopped, relaxed and carried calmly on. I still call on the Latin Legions when necessary but am spared from calling out loud as I don't have any breath to spare.


There have been other things to think about: a number of team additions and subtractions and subsequent changes to the accommodation needed, transport, kit and basic bike maintenance for starters.

Ness’ daughter, Anna, a GP, has offered to take Ness and all the bikes to Land’s End and stay with us for the first couple of days, while Pete Stables will take the rest of the riders and drive straight back to Bristol. As Anna leaves, Gail White of Energised Performance will join and stay with us for the next few days. She’ll be able to provide massage so we’ll be well looked after as far as Runcorn. Beyond that, well, we'll just have to hope for the best.

We leave in just over three weeks.  And breathe…………………….